Jul 7Liked by Sizemore

I frickin’ love these characters! Similar idea to the Slingers gun in the sense that you took that idea, added more personality (that we may not have had the chance to see in the sizzle reel), and built an inanimate object into a character with which we build empathy. Nice job! 😎

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Thanks! I’m a sucker for a talking gun. And I love to repeat myself. There’s a Slingers scene where Frank is annoyed with his gun and tries to replace it. There’s nothing as good of course and he gets wound up because the gun is super helpful and keeps offering advice on an upgrade in the gun store. It’s based on the scene in The Good, The Bad & The Ugly where Tuco walks out of the desert and goes gun shopping. Just to bring it full circle and back to Leone. When I run out of ideas again I’ll probably bring some Slingers stuff into the newsletter.

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